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Gingerbread Wonderland (Hardback)
  • Gingerbread Wonderland (Hardback)

Gingerbread Wonderland (Hardback)

Hardback 112 Pages
Published: 08/10/2015
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Turn your kitchen into a winter wonderland with Gingerbread Wonderland. With recipes ranging from simple gingerbread men and women to more detailed scenes such as houses and a carousel, Mima Sinclair's new cookbook is suitable for the whole family. It's packed with fun gingerbread biscuits, sticky gingerbread cakes, plus handy tips on how to avoid mistakes, making templates, cutting perfect lines and more. As well as the traditional Christmas favourites such as a Hansel & Gretel House, there are contemporary creations such as Mini CoffeeCup Houses, Glass Pressed Cookies and a 3D Christmas Tree. Make perfect treats to slip into lunch boxes, serve up to friends at tea, give as gifts or show off as your holiday centrepiece.

Publisher: Octopus Publishing Group
ISBN: 9780857833204
Number of pages: 112
Weight: 402 g
Dimensions: 164 x 203 x 17 mm

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