The Doric Gruffalo's Bairn: The Gruffalo's Child in Doric Scots (Paperback)
Julia Donaldson (author), Axel Scheffler (illustrator), Sheena Blackhall (translator)Published: 11/10/2016
The Gruffalo quo, "Ye'll dae as I bid -
Niver set fit in the deep derk wid."
Bit ae snawy nicht the Gruffalo's Bairn ignores fit her faither has tellt her an tip-taes oot intae the cauld. Eftir aa, there's nae sic thing as the Muckle Coorse Moose... is there?
In 2015, following on from the huge success of James Robertson's Scots translation of The Gruffalo, Itchy Coo published four dialect versions: the Orkney, Shetland, Doric and Dundee Gruffalos have all proved immensely popular as celebrations of the Scots language's astonishing regional diversity.
Sheena Blackhall's Doric version of The Gruffalo is now followed by The Doric Gruffalo's Bairn. A cautionary tale about what happens when a small Gruffalo leaves the comfort of its cave and sets off into the dark wood on a wintry night, this is sure to be another big hit in the North-East and with Doric speakers wherever they bide.
Publisher: Bonnier Books Ltd
ISBN: 9781785300691
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 161 g
Dimensions: 290 x 230 x 8 mm
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