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From Hell (Paperback)
  • From Hell (Paperback)

From Hell (Paperback)

(author), (author)
3 Reviews Sign in to write a review
Paperback 572 Pages
Published: 30/10/2006
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Waterstones Says

One of the most breathtaking of all graphic novels, Moore and Campbell’s forensic examination of the Ripper murders is as much about Victorian society itself as the vicious slayings in Whitechapel. Expounding its theories with psychological acuity and chilling credibility, From Hell terrifies, astounds and moves in equal measure.   

One of the most breathtaking of all graphic novels, Moore and Campbell's forensic examination of the Ripper murders is as much about Victorian society itself as the vicious slayings in Whitechapel.

Expounding its theories with psychological acuity and chilling credibility, From Hell terrifies, astounds and moves in equal measure.

Publisher: Knockabout Comics
ISBN: 9780861661411
Number of pages: 572
Weight: 1427 g
Dimensions: 253 x 188 mm
Edition: UK ed.

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“From Hell”

Relentless, bleak, bloody and brutal Alan Moore’s attempt to unveil Jack The Ripper is a masterpiece. Rather than suggesting that saucy Jack’s killings are acts of a madman Moore weaves a thrilling conspiracy that... More

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“A Quintessential Jack The Ripper Tale”

Watchmen, V for Vendetta, The League of Extraordinary Gentleman, Alan Moore is one of the most well know comic writers in the world and his work for the big two (Marvel & DC) and smaller companies is always talked... More

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“Part-police procedural, part-social history of London, part-treatise of ancient magic; all work of art.”

As Moore has his main character say, the Ripper murders and their impact, 'gave birth to the 20th century', and it is this idea that underlies this mammoth, invigorating novel.
Weaving together the... More

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