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Foundations of Physics for Chemists - Oxford Chemistry Primers 93 (Paperback)
  • Foundations of Physics for Chemists - Oxford Chemistry Primers 93 (Paperback)

Foundations of Physics for Chemists - Oxford Chemistry Primers 93 (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 96 Pages
Published: 17/08/2000
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Foundations of Physics for Chemists presents the fundamental physics required for a full understanding of a diverse range of chemical phenomena and techniques such as diffraction, reaction rates and nuclear magnetic resonance. The text begins with a discussion of classical and wave mechanics which allows quantum mechanics to be introduced at an early stage. The ideas presented in these early chapters are subsequently developed to deal with the traditional physics topics of kinetic theory, electrostatics, magnetism and optics. However, the text maintains a distinct chemical perspecive by focusing on relevant chemical examples rather than the more hypothetical examples favoured by the majority of introductory physics texts. The students will find the information presented directly applicable to the concepts and examples that they will encounter throughout an undergraduate course in chemistry.

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198503606
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 223 g
Dimensions: 246 x 189 x 6 mm

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