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Fishing's Strangest Tales - Strangest (Paperback)
  • Fishing's Strangest Tales - Strangest (Paperback)

Fishing's Strangest Tales - Strangest (Paperback)

Paperback 256 Pages
Published: 09/02/2017
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Extraordinary but true stories from over two hundred years of angling history.

Fishing's Strangest Tales gathers together choice stories and bizarre fishing tales from all over the world. Consider the Oxford scientist who in 1910 discovered the marvellous life-giving properties of brandy to fish who had otherwise gasped their last. Or how about the nine-year-old boy fishing for trout who caught a large mussel – containing no less than forty pearls – and managed to earn more in one day than his father, a farm worker, had earned in the last five years? Fishing's Strangest Days is full of fascinating tales that may sound fishy and unbelievable but will have have you caught hook, line and sinker.

Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
ISBN: 9781911042457
Number of pages: 256
Weight: 250 g
Dimensions: 198 x 129 x 20 mm

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