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Few Degrees from Hell: White Hot Tales from the Badwater Ultramarathon (Paperback)
  • Few Degrees from Hell: White Hot Tales from the Badwater Ultramarathon (Paperback)

Few Degrees from Hell: White Hot Tales from the Badwater Ultramarathon (Paperback)

Paperback 300 Pages
Published: 25/07/2013
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In 2003, defending champion Pam Reed, Dean Karnazes and 71 other runners took the ultimate challenge of running 135 miles in California from Badwater to the portals of Mount Whitney. Their journey would take them through Death Valley and subject them to temperatures ranking among the highest ever recorded on earth. Twenty-five runners tell of their adventures in arguably the absolute toughest of 'the toughest footrace on the planet' - the good, the bad and yes, the ugly - in this incredible and fascinating compilation. The runners - who experienced heat exhaustion, dehydration, nausea, blisters, hallucinations, and fatigue during the race - competed in temperatures literally 'a few degrees from hell.'

Publisher: Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd
ISBN: 9781782550037
Number of pages: 300

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