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Felt Fabric Designs: Felt craft techniques and recipes for textile artists (Hardback)
  • Felt Fabric Designs: Felt craft techniques and recipes for textile artists (Hardback)

Felt Fabric Designs: Felt craft techniques and recipes for textile artists (Hardback)

Hardback 128 Pages
Published: 19/09/2013

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The basic ingredients of wool, lightweight woven fabric and a variety of fibres and yarns can be combined in a myriad of ways to create beautiful one-off pieces of felted fabric. This useful and inspirational book is a collection of felt 'recipes' to help you make all sorts of felt fabrics, from light and airy Nuno felt, suitable for delicate projects such as wedding veils, to heavier, more durable fabrics that you can use to make handbags and other hardwearing items. It explains how to use layered fabric and felt, create interesting shaped edges and incorporate beads and other embellishments to enhance your work.

Each 'recipe' contains full step-by-step instructions to enable you to create a stunning, unique piece of fabric. Suggestions are given for possible uses for each fabric, from evening wear and accessories to items for the home. Illustrated with stunning examples of felt fabrics and items that have been made with them, this book is a handy sourcebook to help you create a huge range of different felted fabrics for your textile-art projects.

Publisher: Batsford
ISBN: 9781849940443
Number of pages: 128
Dimensions: 282 x 224 mm

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