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Families in Motion: Ebbing and Flowing Through Space and Time (Hardback)
  • Families in Motion: Ebbing and Flowing Through Space and Time (Hardback)

Families in Motion: Ebbing and Flowing Through Space and Time (Hardback)

(editor), (editor), (editor), (editor), (editor)
Hardback 288 Pages
Published: 25/10/2019
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interdisciplinary edited collection will challenge the idea of the static

family that can be 'broken', and instead think of family as always 'on the

move', both conceptually and in practice. This dual approach to family is the unique

contribution of the book, which

offers new perspectives on the sociology and geography of the family, drawn

together by the shared lens of family mobilities. As such it brings together

insights from the diverse work of interdisciplinary academics working alone and

collaboratively on different aspects of family lives and relationships.

The central argument of the book is

that the concept of family is always in motion: a disruption in one aspect of

family relations, for example, the ending of the intimate relationship between

parents, is part of the ongoing project of family. In addition, families are

made through mobility and immobility in relation to people, communications,

objects and ideas. Contributions from a range of academics across disciplines consider

changes in family practices and the ways in which they are produced through


This book

seeks to understand families as always in motion; changing, adapting and

re-routed. Integral to this discussion is the spatiality and temporality of family,

that families are produced in different times and spaces. Families are also

made through interactions with material things, including non-human living

things and through the emotional ties and responses that determine their form

and practices.

Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
ISBN: 9781787694163
Number of pages: 288
Weight: 511 g
Dimensions: 229 x 152 mm


Challenging the idea of a stable family, this volume brings together 14 chapters by social work, sociology, law, and other scholars from Europe, Australia, and the US, to explore the concept of the family as always in motion and the idea that movement and change are part of the ongoing constitution of family, focusing on the spatial and time aspects of family. They discuss how people move in and out of different contexts of family, become separated, and reconnect, in terms of fatherhood in family separations, prison, living together when an intimate relationship ends, and the way children of separated parents construct their home in the context of equal shared custody agreements; uneven motion and resistance in families, in terms of the role of information and communication technology in sustaining the mobility of transnational families, how family transitions offer opportunities for role redefinitions, strategies of resistance used by expectant mothers in response to the threat to their future relationship with unborn children, and everyday family practices like leisure activities; and aspects of family separations and how families are made, including absent fathers, children moving between two homes, what happens when families walk together, young people who have experienced foster care becoming parents, and the migration of Italian women in Morocco. - Copyright 2019, Portland, OR

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