English Insights 1 (Paperback)
  • English Insights 1 (Paperback)

English Insights 1 (Paperback)

(author), (author), (author)
Paperback 250 Pages
Published: 03/10/2012
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English Insights is a motivating series for students at secondary level. It combines an acclaimed appraoch to learning English with stunning National Geographic images, DVD clips and articles.

English Insights is a move away from the 'made up' content of many ELT coursebooks and contains National Geographic material that has been specifically chosen for its ability to engage and motivate students while allowing them to relate the content to their own world. At the same time, the content covers the grammar and vocabulary syllabus in a suitable and natural context.

English Insights contains CLIL sections so students can discover science, technology, nature, history and geography through English. The Culture sections that cover the different cultures of English-speaking-countries around the world with content from National Geographic enable students to explore aspects of the English-speaking world.

Publisher: Cengage Learning EMEA
ISBN: 9781408068120
Number of pages: 250
Weight: 422 g
Dimensions: 297 x 210 x 7 mm

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