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Dynamics, Structure and Function of Biological Macromolecules - NATO Science Series A: Life Sciences Vol 315 (Hardback)
  • Dynamics, Structure and Function of Biological Macromolecules - NATO Science Series A: Life Sciences Vol 315 (Hardback)

Dynamics, Structure and Function of Biological Macromolecules - NATO Science Series A: Life Sciences Vol 315 (Hardback)

(editor), (editor)
Hardback 204 Pages
Published: 01/01/2001

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A collection of articles looking at modern structural biology, summarizing the applications of physical methods - such as x-ray diffraction, high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular dynamics - to the study of protein structure and dynamics. There is a review of contemporary thoughts within the field, looking at the mechanisms of alloateric transitions and allosteric control, the transmission of information within protein structures and the role of dynamics in determining the specificity of protein - ligand interactions. There is also a look at future innovations.

Publisher: IOS Press
ISBN: 9781586030322
Number of pages: 204

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