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Dragon's Kin: Fantasy - The Dragon Books (Paperback)
  • Dragon's Kin: Fantasy - The Dragon Books (Paperback)

Dragon's Kin: Fantasy - The Dragon Books (Paperback)

(author), (author)
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Paperback 400 Pages
Published: 01/11/2004
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Young Kindan has no expectations other than joining his father in the mines of Camp Natalon on Pern. Mining is fraught with danger, but fortunately the camp has a watch-wher, a creature distantly related to dragons and uniquely suited to specialized work in the dark, cold mineshafts.

Then disaster strikes, leaving Kindan orphaned and the camp without a watch-wher. Grieving, Kindan is taken in by the camp's new Harper and finds a measure of solace in a burgeoning musical talent . . . and in a new friendship with the mysterious Nuella. It is Nuella who assists Kindan when he is selected to hatch and train a new watch-wher, a job that forces him to give up his dream of becoming a Harper; and it is Nuella who helps him give new meaning to his life.

Meanwhile, long-simmering tensions are dividing the camp. As warring factions threaten to explode, Nuella and Kindan begin to discover hidden talents in the watch-wher - talents that could very well save an entire Hold and which show them that even a seemingly impossible dream is never completely out of reach ...

Publisher: Transworld Publishers Ltd
ISBN: 9780552151504
Number of pages: 400
Weight: 205 g
Dimensions: 178 x 106 x 24 mm

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“Another great adventure on Pern”

I really enjoyed Dragon's Kin, it's great to have yet another viewpoint of the multifaceted world of Pern. The watchwhers hadn't been focused on until now, throughout the series and the characters were... More

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