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Do you believe in dragons? Said to originate from the library of eminent Victorian dragonologist Ernest Drake, this book imparts to readers the secrets of the ancient science of dragonology, bridging the gap between dragon legend and fact. The meticulous Dr. Drake assigns Latin names to various dragon species, ruminates on why dragons are able to speak, speculates on how they could fly, and explains the true purpose of their notorious hoarding habits. It includes a host of novelties, such as old letters, magic dust, dragon scales, gems, spells in envelopes, booklets of riddles and a faux leather cover with silver foil, encrusted with three dragon gems.
In his afterword, Dr. Drake reveals that one of the crucial goals of dragonologists is to preserve and protect the magnificent creatures of their study wherever possible - a goal this volume most affectionately achieves.
An incomparable gift for secret dragonologists everywhere! For true believers only, a lavishly illustrated volume by the world's most distinguished dragonologist. Don't let it fall into the wrong hands!
Publisher: Templar Books
ISBN: 9781840115031
Number of pages: 30
Weight: 910 g
Dimensions: 310 x 264 x 23 mm
Templar's brilliant Dragonology books create a set of resources on the wildlife and science of raising or studying dragons to gladden the heart of any would-be student of these magnificent creatures. Dr Ernest Drake gives us all manner of fascinating details on habitats, temperaments and training regimes, which play into that greatest of desires for children (and let's be honest, many adults too) - that dragons might really exist. - Cecilia Busby, Middle Grade Strikes Back
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