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Double Falsehood: Third Series - The Arden Shakespeare Third Series (Hardback)
  • Double Falsehood: Third Series - The Arden Shakespeare Third Series (Hardback)

Double Falsehood: Third Series - The Arden Shakespeare Third Series (Hardback)

(author), (editor)
Hardback 464 Pages
Published: 01/03/2010

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On December 1727 an intriguing play called Double Falshood; Or, The Distrest Lovers was presented for production by Lewis Theobald, who had it published in January 1728 after a successful run at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London. The title page to the published version claims that the play was 'Written Originally by W.SHAKESPEARE'. Double Falsehood's plot is a version of the story of Cardenio found in Cervantes's Don Quixote (1605) as translated by Thomas Shelton, published in 1612 though in circulation earlier. Documentary records testify to the existence of a play, certainly performed in 1613, by John Fletcher and William Shakespeare, probably entitled The History of Cardenio and presumed to have been lost. The audience in 1727 would certainly have recognised stage situations and dramatic structures and patterns reminiscent of those in Shakespeare's canonical plays as well as many linguistic echoes. This intriguing complex textual and performance history is thoroughly explored and debated in this fully annotated edition, including the views of other major Shakespeare scholars.

The illustrated introduction provides a comprehensive overview of the debates and opinions surrounding the play and the text is fully annotated with detailed commentary notes as in any Arden edition.

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
ISBN: 9781903436769
Number of pages: 464
Dimensions: 198 x 129 x 29 mm


'Possibly the best-loved of Shakespeare's comedies, Twelfth Night is a captivating blend of ravishing poetry, raucous antics and rapturous romance.' - (October 2010)

'It is brilliant and unusual; the Bard's style and influence seemed irrefutable...even though there is a darker twist to the dialogue and plot than one might expect from him immediately.' - The Observer (January 2011)

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