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Don't Look In This Book (Paperback)
  • Don't Look In This Book (Paperback)

Don't Look In This Book (Paperback)

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Paperback 36 Pages
Published: 01/02/2018
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Sparking creativity for all, this book invites readers to draw, write, and talk about the “what-ifs” and “how-comes.” It’s a storytelling revolution that turns reluctant readers into eager explorers and pushes young book lovers to create memorable stories of their own. This unusual rhyming journey through a world of dynamic story starters, was created in collaboration with twelve illustrators, to excite and engage everyone from avid book lovers, to the most reluctant readers. Children at home will ask for the book again and again, reliving their adventure across every contrasting page. In school environments this book is used by teachers in Key stages 1 and 2 to engage reluctant readers and writers, inspiring them to write creatively and map stories using the fun and disruptive content. Other more able writers in school extend their stories into fully illustrated poems. This book is a great tool for anyone who wants to reignite the imaginative wonder in the mind of their child/student.

Publisher: Owlet Press
ISBN: 9781999762810
Number of pages: 36
Weight: 154 g
Dimensions: 210 x 210 x 5 mm


"Don't Look in this Book! Well, maybe just this once! Discover a world of imagination; from aliens to arctic ninjas, and everything in between! It's such good fun to read aloud that it will become a firm favourite with kids and adults." - FOYLES, Birmingham ; "I didn't even get chance to read this as a bedtime story, as the book title captured my 7 year olds attention and he read it all himself" - @abbyandtheseedlings on Instagram

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