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Directory of Research Grants 2002 (Hardback)
  • Directory of Research Grants 2002 (Hardback)

Directory of Research Grants 2002 (Hardback)

(author), (creator)
Hardback 908 Pages
Published: 30/01/2002
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A treasure chest of information on more than 5,100 current programs from 1,880 sponsors, including U.S. and foreign foundations, corporations, government agencies, and other organizations. Find grants for basic research, equipment acquisition, building construction/renovation, fellowships, and 23 other program types. Government grants include CFDA, NSF, and NIH program numbers. Each record includes grant title, description, requirements, amount, application deadline, contact information (phone, fax, and email), Internet access, sponsor name and address, and samples of awarded grants (when available). Four indexes--subject, sponsoring organization, program type, and geographic--help you to identify the right program quickly. Also included is "A Guide to Proposal Planning and Writing," by Jeremy Miner and Lynn Miner, which offers numerous essential tips on grantseeking.

Publisher: ABC-CLIO
ISBN: 9781573564885
Number of pages: 908
Weight: 2104 g
Dimensions: 230 x 235 x 47 mm
Edition: Revised edition

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