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Data Science with R for Psychologists and Healthcare Professionals (Paperback)
  • Data Science with R for Psychologists and Healthcare Professionals (Paperback)

Data Science with R for Psychologists and Healthcare Professionals (Paperback)

Paperback 300 Pages
Published: 23/12/2021
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This introduction to R for students of psychology and health sciences aims to fast-track the reader through some of the most difficult aspects of learning to do data analysis and statistics. It demonstrates the benefits for reproducibility and reliability of using a programming language over commercial software packages such as SPSS. The early chapters build at a gentle pace, to give the reader confidence in moving from a point-and-click software environment, to the more robust and reliable world of statistical coding. This is a thoroughly modern and up-to-date approach using RStudio and the tidyverse. A range of R packages relevant to psychological research are discussed in detail. A great deal of research in the health sciences concerns questionnaire data, which may require recoding, aggregation and transformation before quantitative techniques and statistical analysis can be applied. R offers many useful and transparent functions to process data and check psychometric properties. These are illustrated in detail, along with a wide range of tools R affords for data visualisation. Many introductory statistics books for the health sciences rely on toy examples - in contrast, this book benefits from utilising open datasets from published psychological studies, to both motivate and demonstrate the transition from data manipulation and analysis to published report. R Markdown is becoming the preferred method for communicating in the open science community. This book also covers the detail of how to integrate the use of R Markdown documents into the research workflow and how to use these in preparing manuscripts for publication, adhering to the latest APA style guidelines.

Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
ISBN: 9780367618568
Number of pages: 300
Weight: 530 g
Dimensions: 234 x 156 mm

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