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Danny (Hardback)
  • Danny (Hardback)

Danny (Hardback)

(author,illustrator), (author,illustrator)
Hardback 40 Pages
Published: 01/09/2014

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Danny the potbellied hippopotamus lived happily in his swampy marsh. On having his teeth cleaned in normal swamp fashion, Danny overhears a worrying conversation that sends him hurrying to find a dentist. And when Danny returns to the marshes, fully fitted with braces, he is the envy of one particular reptile whose gleaming whites lead to a disastrous fate for a city dentist.Yann and Gwendal Le Bec are brothers from Brittany, France. They launched their website News of the Times in 2012, where they illustrate international news. Danny is their first collaborative children's book.

Publisher: Flying Eye Books
ISBN: 9781909263420
Number of pages: 40
Weight: 276 g
Dimensions: 255 x 180 x 10 mm

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