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Danger Zones: A Mutant & Masterminds Sourcebook (Paperback)
  • Danger Zones: A Mutant & Masterminds Sourcebook (Paperback)

Danger Zones: A Mutant & Masterminds Sourcebook (Paperback)

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Paperback 160 Pages
Published: 11/10/2022
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Danger Zones details 35 different urban backdrops for your Mutants & Masterminds campaign. These ready-to-use locations range from city staples like the bank, coffee shop, and hotel to more colorful sites like the amusement park, parade route, and science center. And of course, highways to take you there! Every location includes a map, as well as useful as advice on how to get the most from its unique features in a cunning plot or superhero slugfest. Danger Zones also includes a catalog of colorful characters ready to populate your urban sprawl. Heroes, get ready for danger!

Publisher: Green Ronin Publishing
ISBN: 9781949160260
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 295 g
Dimensions: 254 x 178 mm

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