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Creating the Impossible: A 90-day Program to Get Your Dreams Out of Your Head and into the World (Paperback)
  • Creating the Impossible: A 90-day Program to Get Your Dreams Out of Your Head and into the World (Paperback)

Creating the Impossible: A 90-day Program to Get Your Dreams Out of Your Head and into the World (Paperback)

Paperback 304 Pages
Published: 02/01/2018
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Are you ready to make your dreams come true?
Michael Neill is widely recognized as one of the world's leading life coaches. His teachings have impacted everyone from housewives to CEOs and from gang members in prison to leaders at the United Nations. For the last decade, he has been sharing the principles that will allow you to create far more than you ever thought possible with far less struggle than you expected.
Thousands of people from all over the world have already used his 90-day programme to reconnect with their creative spark and get their most important ideas and projects out of their head and into the world. Now it's your turn...
What if you could accomplish more than you ever imagined without the constant stress and pressure associated with 'high achievement'?
What if creating what you want to see in the world isn't dependent on believing in yourself, or even believing that it's possible?
Whether you want breakthrough results for your business, yourself or your life, this book will change the way you see yourself as you learn to make the impossible possible!

Publisher: Hay House UK Ltd
ISBN: 9781781806494
Number of pages: 304
Weight: 380 g
Dimensions: 230 x 155 x 22 mm

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