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Cost Accounting in Australia: A Managerial Emphasis (Paperback)
  • Cost Accounting in Australia: A Managerial Emphasis (Paperback)

Cost Accounting in Australia: A Managerial Emphasis (Paperback)

(author), (author), (author), (author), (author)
Paperback Published: 24/06/1996
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Since the first edition published in 1962 Cost Accounting has been used by accounting students world wide as the seminal text in the area. Renowned for its comprehensive coverage and pioneering application of the cost-benefit framework to management accounting, the Australian edition has retained all of these features as well as incorporating current Australian cost accounting practice.

Publisher: Pearson Education Australia
ISBN: 9780724802173
Weight: 2104 g
Dimensions: 256 x 208 x 39 mm

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