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Cosmology (Hardback)
  • Cosmology (Hardback)

Cosmology (Hardback)

Hardback 624 Pages
Published: 21/02/2008
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This book is unique in the detailed, self-contained, and comprehensive treatment that it gives to the ideas and formulas that are used and tested in modern cosmological research. It divides into two parts, each of which provides enough material for a one-semester graduate course. The first part deals chiefly with the isotropic and homogeneous average universe; the second part concentrates on the departures from the average universe. Throughout the book the author presents detailed analytic calculations of cosmological phenomena, rather than just report results obtained elsewhere by numerical computation. The book is up to date, and gives detailed accounts of topics such as recombination, microwave background polarization, leptogenesis, gravitational lensing, structure formation, and multifield inflation, that are usually treated superficially if at all in treatises on cosmology. Copious references to current research literature are supplied. Appendices include a brief introduction to general relativity, and a detailed derivation of the Boltzmann equation for photons and neutrinos used in calculations of cosmological evolution. Also provided is an assortment of problems.

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198526827
Number of pages: 624
Weight: 1337 g
Dimensions: 255 x 180 x 34 mm


A stimulating source of intellectual excitement. [...] While the relevant technical aspects of the presentation can only be fully appreciated after a careful reading, a clear message emerges with vigour after the first reading: atomic physics, nuclear physics, field theory, high-energy physics and general relativity all come together in the description of our universe. In other words, Cosmology provides a vivid example of the basic unity of physics, which is something to bear in mind during the decades to come. - CERN Courier

A technical tour de force for the intrepid graduate student, Weinberg's new book will greatly appeal to particle physicists tooling up in cosmology and be an indispensable source for the practitioner. - Physics Today

With his unsurpassed ability to explain even the most difficult mathematical and conceptual steps with a few strokes of his pen, Weinberg takes the reader from the basics of cosmological kinematics and dynamics (space-time geometry, cosmological expansion, the Friedmann equation, thermal history) to advanced topics, such as the growth of structures, inflation and gravitational lenses. - Mathematical Reviews

A tour de force that even established cosmologists will learn from. Any scientist interested in cosmology should read it.

Steven Weinberg's "Cosmology" is a thorough, graduate-level introduction to the field, which incorporates the frenzied developments since his 1972 classic, "Gravitation and Cosmology". This is sure to be another hit. - New Scientist

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