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Copywriting Made Simple: How to write powerful and persuasive copy that sells (Paperback)
  • Copywriting Made Simple: How to write powerful and persuasive copy that sells (Paperback)

Copywriting Made Simple: How to write powerful and persuasive copy that sells (Paperback)

Paperback 304 Pages
Published: 28/08/2018

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Copywriting is writing with purpose. It's about using words to reach people and change what they think, feel and do. This easy-to-read guide will teach you all the essentials of copywriting, from understanding products, readers and benefits to closing the sale. You'll learn how to... * Write clearly, simply and engagingly * Choose a killer headline and a strong structure * Use 20 proven strategies for creative copywriting * Harness the power of persuasion and psychology * Create a unique tone of voice for a brand Illustrated throughout and packed with real-life examples, Copywriting Made Simple is the perfect introduction to copywriting today. "Tom's put a lifetime of learning into this book... an incredibly thorough briefing on copywriting." - Dave Trott, Creative legend, agency founder, author and teacher. "Educational, entertaining and energetic... prepare to dig deep and enjoy!" - Katherine Wildman, Host, The Writing Desk.

Publisher: Troubador Publishing
ISBN: 9781789013641
Number of pages: 304
Dimensions: 216 x 138 mm

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