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Contraventions: Editorials from New Left Review - New Left Review (Paperback)
  • Contraventions: Editorials from New Left Review - New Left Review (Paperback)

Contraventions: Editorials from New Left Review - New Left Review (Paperback)

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Paperback 416 Pages
Published: 31/10/2023
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From 9/11 to the Anglo-American occupation of Iraq, the eurozone crisis to the Brexit vote, the Great Recession to the Arab Spring, the rise of China to the annexation of Crimea, the passage from Obama to Trump and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the London-based New Left Review has offered a series of sharply critical editorials, combining argument with analysis-radical antidotes to the self-serving accounts of the Anglophone press. Contraventions brings together a selection of NLR's key political writings, covering capitalist boom and bust, the changing forms of American hegemony, the combined and uneven development of world powers, the domestic politics of the US and UK and multiple revolts from below, at the ballot box or in the streets. Bookended by broader surveys of the political-intellectual conjuncture, these essays dismantle mainstream narratives and anatomize the ideologies, institutions and on-the-ground operations of liberal-imperial rule.

Contraventions includes texts by Perry Anderson, Tariq Ali, Mike Davis, Susan Watkins, Alexander Cockburn, Peter Gowan, Tony Wood, JoAnn Wypijewski, Tom Hazeldine and Dylan Riley.

Publisher: Verso Books
ISBN: 9781839761423
Number of pages: 416
Weight: 456 g
Dimensions: 234 x 153 x 25 mm


"Since its inception, the review has been an invaluable source of reasoned analysis and insight into critical issues of policy, economy, society, and contemporary culture. A proud record to carry forward into difficult times ahead."– Noam Chomsky"The biography of the review cannot be reduced to a formula: its experience so far has been too rich and too contradictory. It is up to  date without being merely journalistic; it is scholarly but unscarred by citation-compulsion; and it is analytical about the long-term forces at work in politics rather than obsessed by the spume of the latest  wavelet of manoeuvring and posturing. That's what I admire above all about NLR: its intellectual seriousness – its magnificently strenuous attempt to understand, to analyse, to theorise."– Stefan Collini, Guardian

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