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Continuity and Change in Voluntary Action: Patterns, Trends and Understandings - Third Sector Research Series (Paperback)
  • Continuity and Change in Voluntary Action: Patterns, Trends and Understandings - Third Sector Research Series (Paperback)

Continuity and Change in Voluntary Action: Patterns, Trends and Understandings - Third Sector Research Series (Paperback)

(author), (author), (other adaptation by), (other adaptation by)
Paperback 224 Pages
Published: 01/05/2019
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How voluntary action has been defined and measured is considered alongside individuals’ accounts of their participation and engagement in volunteering over their lifecourse in this pioneering study. Combining rich, qualitative material from the Mass Observation Archive (1981-2012) with data from longitudinal and cross-sectional social surveys, it asks what is the scope and appetite for expansion of voluntary effort?

Publisher: Policy Press
ISBN: 9781447324843
Number of pages: 224
Dimensions: 234 x 156 mm


“… a pioneering study that addresses fundamental questions… It enriches the literature on volunteering and provides new insights ... a much needed contribution to the theory and practice of voluntary activity in contemporary Britain.” Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations

"The book, which is part of the Third Sector Research Series, is groundbreaking and fascinating. I expected a tedious read, but what I encountered was elegant writing and innovative methods, paired with interesting findings…. I applaud the authors for not taking volunteering as a monolithic phenomenon, but rather successfully highlighting its complexities… be assured that the book is a must read for every student of volunteering and/or civic society." Voluntary Sector Review (Ram Cnaan)

“An important and innovative contribution to understanding how and why people engage in voluntary activity; how important they feel it is in their lives; and the ways in which it contributes to the wider community.” Colin Rochester, London School of Economics

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