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Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education (Paperback)
  • Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education (Paperback)

Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education (Paperback)

Paperback 256 Pages
Published: 10/10/2008
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A collection of scholarly essays, Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education provides an accessible theoretical introduction to the topic of complexity theory while considering its broader implications for educational change.

  • Explains the contributions of complexity theory to philosophy of education, curriculum, and educational research
  • Brings together new research by an international team of contributors
  • Debates issues ranging from the culture of curriculum, to the implications of work of key philosophers such as Foucault and John Dewey for educational change
  • Demonstrates how social scientists and social and education policy makers are drawing on complexity theory to answer questions such as: why is it that education decision-makers are so resistant to change; how does change in education happen; and what does it take to make these changes sustainable?
  • Considers changes in use of complexity theory; developed principally in the fields of physics, biology, chemistry, and economics, and now being applied more broadly to the social sciences and to the study of education

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
ISBN: 9781405180429
Number of pages: 256
Weight: 454 g
Dimensions: 247 x 172 x 14 mm

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