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Complete Victoria Cross: A Full Chronological Record of All Holders of Britain's Highest Award for Gallantry (Paperback)
  • Complete Victoria Cross: A Full Chronological Record of All Holders of Britain's Highest Award for Gallantry (Paperback)

Complete Victoria Cross: A Full Chronological Record of All Holders of Britain's Highest Award for Gallantry (Paperback)

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Paperback 416 Pages
Published: 01/12/2015
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This fully revised paperback edition of the complete chronological record of VC holders is an essential work of reference for every student of military history. All the British and Commonwealth servicemen who have been awarded the highest honour for exceptional acts of bravery and self-sacrifice are commemorated here. The first VCs awarded for the Crimean War and in the nineteenth-century colonial wars are described, as are the VCs awarded in the world wars of the twentieth century and the most recent VCs awarded during present-day conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The extraordinary exploits recounted in this fascinating book make unforgettable reading. 'A fascinating new book, by historian Kevin Brazier, lays out the best evidence to date. The Complete Victoria Cross lists for the first time in chronological order every VC, with an account of the action(s) for which it was won, the location of every medal where known, and likewise the last resting place of the VC holder.' ...The Times 'A wealth of information, all of which makes this a valuable reference source. Everyone, whether they have an interest or not in military history, would find this book thoroughly absorbing.'...Britain at War 'The chronological arrangement of this book is very effective, weaving together the individual VC stories to produce a picture of the changing nature of warfare since 1956 and the unchanging nature of bravery.

' ...History of War 'This book is a must for anyone interested in the Victoria Cross, whether they have a recent interest in the VC or have been interested in the long term.'...Victoria Cross Forum

Publisher: Pen & Sword Books Ltd
ISBN: 9781473843516
Number of pages: 416
Dimensions: 234 x 156 mm

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“Lest We Forget”

The Victoria Cross is the highest military accolade for Britain and those in the Commonwealth countries and awarded for valour "in the face of the enemy" to members of the armed forces. The VC is usually... More

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