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Collins Night Sky: And Starfinder (Paperback)
  • Collins Night Sky: And Starfinder (Paperback)

Collins Night Sky: And Starfinder (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 256 Pages
Published: 04/08/2011
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An introductory guide to navigating your way around the night sky and identifying what you can see on any given night.

Designed as a comprehensive introduction for the beginner and those who want to find out more, Collins Night Sky covers everything that can be seen with the naked eye and binoculars, as well as what is visible using a small telescope.

There are sections on how to observe and understand the objects that comprise the night sky, the moon, the movements of the stars and planets throughout the year and astronomical events.

The constellations are given a comprehensive treatment. Each one includes a chart, a photograph, a description of its features and history, the best dates and times of visibility, the mythological representation and a list of interesting objects.

The circular starfinder works in a very simple way: just dial in the date and time by rotating the inner plastic disk – the time – until it lines up with the relevant day of the year calibrated on the outer ring. The portion of sky shown on the starfinder will show the arrangement of the stars above you.

Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
ISBN: 9780007436163
Number of pages: 256
Weight: 530 g
Dimensions: 210 x 148 x 19 mm

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