Coeliac Disease: What You Need To Know (Paperback)
  • Coeliac Disease: What You Need To Know (Paperback)

Coeliac Disease: What You Need To Know (Paperback)

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Paperback 96 Pages
Published: 16/04/2015

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Coeliac disease (CD) is an auto-immune disease caused by intolerance to gluten, affecting around 700,000 people in the UK. Under-diagnosis is a problem, and mild CD in particular is more common than previously thought. This new edition provides the latest on this important condition, and in particular updates the food labelling in line with changing food labelling laws. Topics include:

Tests and diagnosis
Diet and nutrition
Other auto-immune conditions - e.g .type 1 diabetes thyroid disease
Other health issues - e.g. lowered fertility, skin problems
Living gluten-free - practicalities
Children and teenagers
Further help and resources, including gluten-free food sources.

Publisher: John Murray Press
ISBN: 9781847093349
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 192 g
Dimensions: 217 x 138 x 12 mm
Edition: 2nd edition

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“Good reference book”

My relative recently got diagnosed with coeliac disease so I bought this for them. It's quite detailed and it's been helpful to get up to speed whilst they were waiting for an appointment with the dietician.

Paperback edition
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