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Clinical Management of Herpesviruses (Hardback)
  • Clinical Management of Herpesviruses (Hardback)

Clinical Management of Herpesviruses (Hardback)

(editor), (editor), (editor), (editor)
Hardback 750 Pages
Published: 01/01/1995

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This text aims to provide practical advice to the key clinician who is faced with managing herpesvirus infections. It addresses questions such as: there are antiviral treatments for many of these infections, but who should be getting these drugs and who should not?; what are the advantages, if any, of the new drugs over the old ones?; what is the clinical reality of antiviral resistance?; where do new and possible future vaccines fit into the picture?; when should therapy be discontinued or reassessed?; and how are patients presenting other than chorioretinitis in AIDS or pneumonitis in transplantation? This work, containing contributions from clinical scientists, deals with these questions and many more.

Publisher: IOS Press
ISBN: 9789051992274
Number of pages: 750
Dimensions: 240 x 160 mm

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