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Clinical Dermatology (Paperback)
  • Clinical Dermatology (Paperback)

Clinical Dermatology (Paperback)

(author), (author), (author), (author)
Paperback Published: 14/03/2008
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This best selling text has been completely revised and refreshed in the fourth edition. The authors aim to enthuse family doctors (for whom they are primarily writing) to enjoy the challenge of diagnosing and treating skin conditions. Clinical Dermatology contains over 500 high quality pictures and diagrams matched with many colourful phrases to illustrate and entertain as it teaches. It has established a reputation as a 'way of learning' and as a cogent overview of the subject for the aspiring specialist. Readers are guided through the maze that too often lies between the presenting skin complaint and its final diagnosis and treatment. The authors have created an easily read text with enough detail to clarify the subject but not enough to obscure it. This fourth edition contains new chapters on racially pigmented skin, dermatology of different age groups and cosmetic dermatology. Relevant internet sites are now clearly highlighted at the end of each chapter and the comprehensive formulary has been updated.

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
ISBN: 9781405146630
Weight: 1054 g
Dimensions: 246 x 190 x 23 mm
Edition: 4th Revised edition

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