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Clarkson & Hill's Conflict of Laws (Paperback)
  • Clarkson & Hill's Conflict of Laws (Paperback)

Clarkson & Hill's Conflict of Laws (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 594 Pages
Published: 25/08/2016
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The fifth edition of Clarkson & Hill's Conflict of Laws provides a clear and up-to-date account of the private international law topics covered at undergraduate level. Theoretical issues and fundamental principles are introduced in the first chapter and expanded upon in later chapters. Basic principles of the conflict of laws are presented in an approachable style, offering clarity on complex points and terminology without over-simplification.

The fifth edition reflects the field's changing focus from case law to domestic and European legislation, incorporating the Brussels I Regulation and Brussels II Revised Regulation, as well as the more recent Rome Regulations and Brussels I Recast. Embracing this reorientation of the field and increased emphasis on the recognition and enforcement of judgments, the authors provide detailed commentary on the most important commercial topics as well as the most relevant topics in family law.

Written in a succinct and engaging style, Clarkson & Hill's Conflict of Laws continues to provide clear analysis of the key areas of debate across jurisdictions.

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198732297
Number of pages: 594
Weight: 916 g
Dimensions: 244 x 171 x 28 mm


Review from previous edition It is an exemplar of what a textbook should be. It combines an appropriate amount of detail, presents what are complicated issues clearly and in an accessible manner, and nonetheless contains extremely valuable analysis. This analysis really lifts it out of the traditional student text book mould. - Professor Peter McEleavy, University of Dundee

It is clearly written, concise, comprehensive, and up to date. - Sophia Tang, University of Leeds

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