`It's dangerous to be different where everyone else is alike. Have you noticed?'
1819. Iax Agolasky, a young assistant to a notable French explorer, sets off on a journey to the Russian wilderness. They soon discover a group of creatures living in a cave: children with animal traits. But are they animals, or human? Faced with questions of faith, science and the fundamentals of truth, tensions rise in the camp. Soon the children's safety becomes threatened and Agolasky needs to act.
The novel is based on the photo series and synopsis by Pekka Nikrus.
Publisher: Peirene Press Ltd
ISBN: 9781908670502
Number of pages: 148
`A truly enjoyable read with its beautiful and precise language.' SAVONIA PRIZE JURY 'One of the most ambitious works of this year. A novel that deals with what it means to be human and the associated ethical and moral questions.' KUVASTAJA PRIZE JURY
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