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Chaos and Fractals: An Elementary Introduction (Paperback)
  • Chaos and Fractals: An Elementary Introduction (Paperback)

Chaos and Fractals: An Elementary Introduction (Paperback)

Paperback 432 Pages
Published: 09/08/2012
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This book provides the reader with an elementary introduction to chaos and fractals, suitable for students with a background in elementary algebra, without assuming prior coursework in calculus or physics. It introduces the key phenomena of chaos - aperiodicity, sensitive dependence on initial conditions, bifurcations - via simple iterated functions. Fractals are introduced as self-similar geometric objects and analyzed with the self-similarity and box-counting dimensions. After a brief discussion of power laws, subsequent chapters explore Julia Sets and the Mandelbrot Set. The last part of the book examines two-dimensional dynamical systems, strange attractors, cellular automata, and chaotic differential equations.

The book is richly illustrated and includes over 200 end-of-chapter exercises. A flexible format and a clear and succinct writing style make it a good choice for introductory courses in chaos and fractals.

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199566440
Number of pages: 432
Weight: 934 g
Dimensions: 246 x 190 x 22 mm


... obtains top marks ... For any lecturer or teacher looking for a text on these subjects, this book is worthy of your consideration. - Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society

For the right audience and instructor, this is a wonderful book. With considerable effort on both sides it can take a wide audience with modest mathematics to a reasonable understanding of what is behind much of the complex phenomena seen in modern mathematical models of the physical universe. - Thomas B. Ward, Zentralblatt MATH

This is an excellent book, and is highly recommended. - Mark Hunacek, Mathematical Association of America

The only textbook on chaos and fractals for non-science and mathematics majors. Covers central phenomena and ideas of chaos and fractals in a careful, intellectually honest, but accessible way. - L'Enseignement Mathematique (2) 59

Chaos and fractals are two intertwined concepts that have revolutionized many areas of science and renewed popular interest in mathematics over the past few decades. Feldman's book is a rich resource for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of these subjects without the need for advanced mathematics. - Julien Clinton Sprott, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The style of writing is easy on the reader. The explanations are clear and illustrated with many diagrams and side notes....[Feldman] has produced an excellent book. - John Sykes, Mathematics in School

David P. Feldman provides a delightful and thoughtful introduction to chaos and fractals requiring only a good background in algebra. The formal treatment of nonlinear dynamics, chaotic behavior, Lyapunov exponents, and fractal dimensions is leavened with creative analogies and many helpful and visually attractive figures and diagrams. Even more mathematically sophisticated readers will find this book a good starting point in exploring the complex and beguiling realms of chaos and fractals. - Robert C. Hilborn, Associate Executive Officer, American Association of Physics Teachers

For the right audience and instructor, this is a wonderful book. With considerable effort on both sides it can take a wide audience with modest mathematics to a reasonable understanding of what is behind much of the complex phenomena seen in modern mathematical models of the physical universe. - Thomas B. Ward, Durham University

The book is very well produced, with excellent diagrams and very informative notes provided beside the main text. It also provides an extensive list of references for further reading. - Scottish Mathematical Council Journal

[haos and Fractals] offers at least the possibility of a radically different trajectory for school teaching, providing a motivated pathway to a lot of fascinating mathematics not normally considered accessible ... - Danny Yee, Danny Reviews

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