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Challenging Coaching: Going Beyond Traditional Coaching to Face the FACTS (Paperback)
  • Challenging Coaching: Going Beyond Traditional Coaching to Face the FACTS (Paperback)

Challenging Coaching: Going Beyond Traditional Coaching to Face the FACTS (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 272 Pages
Published: 05/04/2012
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Challenging Coaching is a real-world, timely and provocative book which provides a wake-up call to move beyond the limitations of traditional coaching. Based on the authors' extensive experience working at board and management levels, they suggest that for far too long coaching approaches have shied away from adopting a more challenging stance - a stance that can provoke greater performance and unlock deeper potential in business leaders and their teams.

The authors detail their unique FACTS coaching model, which provides a practical and pragmatic approach focusing on Feedback, Accountability, Courageous goals, Tension and Systems thinking. The authors explore FACTS coaching in theory and in practice using case studies, example dialogues and practical exercises so that the reader will be able to successfully challenge others using respectful yet direct techniques.

This is an original and thought-provoking book that dares the reader to go beyond traditional coaching and face the FACTS.

Publisher: John Murray Press
ISBN: 9781904838395
Number of pages: 272
Weight: 334 g
Dimensions: 233 x 157 x 21 mm


Importantly, this book challenges coaches too by giving them permission to break some of the 'golden rules' of coaching. John and Ian show how the FACTS model can help leaders deploy tough coaching skills with the humility that will be necessary to engage and motivate the modern workforce. This is an excellent contribution to the advancement of executive coaching. I hope that others will wake up to this important challenge through reading and re-reading this timely book. - Sir John Whitmore (from the foreword)

This is a terrific book that should provoke and challenge coaches to 'up their game' and thus provide more value to individuals and also, vitally, to their organisations. The philosophy, observations, process and tools that John and Ian describe are very consistent with my and my colleagues' approach. Read it and I believe you will improve your coaching. - Graham Alexander - Founder of The Alexander Corporation, originator of the GROW Model, and author of Supercoaching and Tales From the Top

This is a real-world, practical, easy to understand approach to a more challenging style of coaching. A style that is needed to help leaders sit back and think of different solutions and new mind sets in a more uncertain business world. For leaders who are driving for higher performance the FACTS model will allow them to adopt a challenging style but one which, crucially, is respectful rather than threatening in its impact. - Tony McCarthy - Group HR Director, ENRC plc

Not just for the coaches. This book is critical reading for any business leader seeking to take an honest and challenging approach to developing their people, as well as anyone seeking to add robustness and realism to their business relationships. - Scott Sundermann - Managing Director, Healix Group

This is a book that is at the same time inspiring and transformational. Inspiring because it reinforces the motivational aspects of coaching and transformational because it progresses the discipline in light of today's business environment. I recommend this book to all coaches who wish to challenge conventional coaching techniques. - Julian Wais - Director of Inverstor Relations, Cobham plc

This new book makes an important contribution to the coaching literature. Blakey and Day challenge all coaches to look at ourselves and how we work to help our clients - both individuals and their organisations. Whilst this might be an uncomfortable experience for us as a profession it is as important that we do it for ourselves as we do with our clients. - Ian Saunders - Associate Fellow, Said Business School, Oxford University

I have experience of working with both John and Ian and have found their FACTS method of coaching both energises individuals and ensures alignment with company goals. Any coach who truly wants to add value to the bottom line of their clients should take note of the key messages in this book and not be afraid to challenge the established 'comfortable norms', particularly in these uncertain and increasingly competitive economic times. - Yvonne Spalding - Director, Group Professional Services, SSP Ltd.

This book makes an important contribution to the evolution of coaching as a profession. The authors pose a provocative challenge to the coaching profession to raise their game to better support and challenge individuals and organisations, in service of the wider environment. The book offers new insight for business leaders and coach practitioners alike and is aligned to the most contemporary leadership literature. - Sue Mortlock - Head of Board Development, NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement

We believe in 'challenging you to be the best you can be' and this is the first book to endorse that perspective and brilliantly demonstrates how to do it responsibly. Definitely a core text on our coach training programmes. - John Leary-Joyce - CEO Academy of Executive Coaching

Right on target. This book is so practical it reads like a Haynes manual for a style of coaching and leadership based on real human values rather than abstract processes. Notions such as courageous goal setting, feedback as the 'loving boot', the 'player coach' and the 'R' word (responsibility!) particularly rang true for me. These are powerful ideas consistent with my own belief that leadership takes place on the pitch not on the side-lines. I loved it. - Andrew Gould, CEO UK, Jones Lang LaSalle

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