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Career Theory and Practice: Learning Through Case Studies (Paperback)
  • Career Theory and Practice: Learning Through Case Studies (Paperback)

Career Theory and Practice: Learning Through Case Studies (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 408 Pages
Published: 19/08/2014

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Unique in the way it links five major career development and choice theories to a fictional case client, this user-friendly text is ideal for counselors engaged in helping clients make wise career choices. Thoroughly updated, the Third Edition of Career Theory and Practice takes a multicultural approach as it blends theory, practical examples, and specific cases, helping readers apply a wide range of career development theories to counseling clients.

Publisher: SAGE Publications Inc
ISBN: 9781452256696
Number of pages: 408
Weight: 610 g
Dimensions: 231 x 187 x 18 mm
Edition: 3rd Revised edition

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