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California School Law (Paperback)
  • California School Law (Paperback)

California School Law (Paperback)

(author), (author), (author)
Paperback 576 Pages
Published: 06/05/2005
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California School Law provides the first comprehensive discussion of how law affects the day-to-day operation of the state's public, charter, and private schools. The book is written for a wide audience including policymakers, governing board members, school administrators, union leaders, teachers, school law attorneys, education law professors and their students, and parents. In its twelve chapters, readers will find a detailed yet readable account of the many ways law structures the delivery of educational services in California.

Beginning with an explanation of the legal framework within which California schooling takes place, the book examines constitutional, statutory, and judicial law governing attendance and instruction, school accountability, school finance, the collective bargaining process, employment, free speech, religion, the delivery of services to children with disabilities, student discipline, open meetings and records, privacy and student search and seizure, race and gender discrimination and harassment, and legal liability.

Publisher: Stanford University Press
ISBN: 9780804748650
Number of pages: 576
Dimensions: 229 x 153 mm


“California School Law provides ‘one-stop shopping’ for individuals examining the laws that relate to the operation of schools. In my 38 years as an educator, including 30 in administration, I have never seen a book that covers such detailed, easy-to-read accountings of laws impacting the daily operation of schools. This book will provide an immediate and excellent resource and should be in the offices of all administrators.”—Larry Maw, Former Superintendent of the San Marcos Unified School District "I would recommend this book to every educator and policymaker in public education. It is a great reference for immediate and comprehensive information on a variety of laws that govern California education."—Dr. Sonny H. Da Marto, Superintendent of the Turlock Unified School District "Finally, this is the comprehensive, thoughtful, and lucid treatment of California educational law and policy we've been waiting for. The authors not only explain the complex world of California school law with a lawyer's precision, but they make this sometimes arcane topic both lively and compelling with rich examples and from a national perspective."—William S. Koski, Eric and Nancy Wright Professor of Clinical Education, Professor of Law, and Professor of Education (courtesy), Stanford University

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