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Building Projects in the European Union: Architectural Export Opportunities: A Manual for Architects and Engineers - Building Projects (Paperback)
  • Building Projects in the European Union: Architectural Export Opportunities: A Manual for Architects and Engineers - Building Projects (Paperback)

Building Projects in the European Union: Architectural Export Opportunities: A Manual for Architects and Engineers - Building Projects (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 186 Pages
Published: 14/10/2005

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This is the first book to provide a comprehensive overview of the activities of architects and engineers outside their own countries: a practical handbook which investigates fundamental aspects such as acquisition, implementation, economic viability and the legal framework of overseas commissions. Concise yet in-depth, information of this kind has never before been consolidated across Europe although the international activities of European architects and engineers have increased greatly not least because of the open EU market. The book is aimed primarily at planners in Europe who are in the process of gaining or wish to gain experience in other countries.

Contents include:

Fundamentals of the EU and international export trade

Professional recognition of architects

Public commissions for architectural services and pro curement

Cross-border architecture contracts/liability/insurance

Building law and EU directives relevant to architecture

Organizing foreign commissions

Remuneration and financial viability of foreign commissions

Publisher: Birkhauser Verlag AG
ISBN: 9783764372439
Number of pages: 186
Dimensions: 240 x 170 mm

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