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BTEC First Award Engineering Student Book - BTEC First Sport (Paperback)
  • BTEC First Award Engineering Student Book - BTEC First Sport (Paperback)

BTEC First Award Engineering Student Book - BTEC First Sport (Paperback)

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Paperback 192 Pages
Published: 02/10/2012
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BTEC First Award inEngineering Student Book


-    Our BTEC First in Engineering Award Book covers Units 1, 2, 5, 6 7 and 8 so learners have relevant and specific content to complete the new next generation Pearson BTEC First Award in Engineering for level 2 learners. If learners are studying other sizes of this qualification they might prefer our Full Edition*.


-    Provides all the underpinning knowledge and understanding needed at level 2 to help learners prepare for the course.


-    Activities in each unit provide support and guidance for learners, and can be used in the classroom or for independent work.


-    The new BTEC Assessment Zone guides learners through the challenges of both internal and external assessment with grading tips and support for external assessment.


* From 2012, Pearson’s BTEC First qualifications have been under re-development, so schools and colleges could be teaching the existing 2010 specification or the new next generation 2012-2013 specification. There are different Student Books to support each specification. If learners are unsure, they should check with their teacher or tutor.


Units covered:

1: The Engineered World

2: Investigating an Engineered Product

5: Engineering Materials

6: Computer-aided Engineering

7: Machining Techniques

8: Electronic Circuit Design and Construction



Publisher: Pearson Education Limited
ISBN: 9781446905630
Number of pages: 192
Weight: 560 g
Dimensions: 279 x 219 x 14 mm

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