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British Social Attitudes 28 - British Social Attitudes Survey Series (Hardback)
  • British Social Attitudes 28 - British Social Attitudes Survey Series (Hardback)

British Social Attitudes 28 - British Social Attitudes Survey Series (Hardback)

(editor), (editor), (editor), (editor), (editor)
Hardback 232 Pages
Published: 12/12/2011
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The annual British Social Attitudes survey is carried out by Britain′s largest independent social research organisation, NatCen Social Research. It provides an indispensable guide to political and social issues in contemporary Britain, summarising and interpreting data from the most recent nationwide survey, as well as drawing invaluable comparisons with the findings of previous years to provide a richer picture and deeper understanding of changing British social values.

The 28th Report sits on a cusp: reflecting people′s experiences of Britain under Labour, but also informed by their hopes, fears and expectations of life under the Coalition. Areas covered include an analysis of Britain′s democratic health, as well as an exploration of views about key policy areas such as the NHS, education, transport and welfare. It also examines the extent to which attitudes to the environment are changing over time, as well as Britain′s changing religious identity.

The British Social Attitudes survey report is essential reading for anyone seeking a guide to the topical issues and debates of today or engaged in contemporary social and political research.

Publisher: Sage Publications Ltd
ISBN: 9781446252581
Number of pages: 232
Weight: 560 g
Dimensions: 242 x 170 mm


For nearly 30 years, the annual British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey has documented changes and continuities in British society. Throughout a range of areas, from welfare and inequality to sexuality and race, the BSA has been an invaluable tool for social scientists in understanding how and why public opinion shifts. It is unlikely, however, that a BSA survey has ever been conducted at a more important – and troubled – time...As usual, the BSA series provides a range of fascinating insights into the changing values of British society. Further, this year’s report has been redesigned compared to others and now includes more snappy and visual summaries of the key findingsLSE Review of Books

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