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Beyond Chopped Liver: 59 Jewish Recipes Get a Vegan Health Makeover - Jewish Food Hero Collection (Hardback)
  • Beyond Chopped Liver: 59 Jewish Recipes Get a Vegan Health Makeover - Jewish Food Hero Collection (Hardback)

Beyond Chopped Liver: 59 Jewish Recipes Get a Vegan Health Makeover - Jewish Food Hero Collection (Hardback)

Hardback 262 Pages
Published: 08/04/2021
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Jewish food’s “greatest hits” receive a makeover in the newest recipe collection from the author of the Jewish Food Hero Cookbook and Feeding Women of the Bible, Feeding Ourselves. Beyond Chopped Liver: 59 Jewish Recipes Get a Vegan Health Makeover shares new and better ways to enjoy quintessentially Jewish food with delicious, plant-based recipes– from challah to matzo ball soup!

The Jewish recipes in this cookbook are inspired by recipes from Jewish pre-modern Diaspora communities: Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi, Beta Israel/Ethiopian and Indian Jewish communities, and from modern Israel and American Jewish food cultures.

The updates in this collection speak to the Jewish community today, as we seek to honor inherited Jewish food traditions while living in ways that are healthier for our bodies and our planet. Communal meals are essential for family and community cohesion and health, and there should be no conflict between Jewish life and ethical eating. Offering healthier plant-based and vegan Jewish recipes is author Kenden Alfond’s way of problem-solving and providing resources for the community so that everyone can share delicious, healthy meals.

Publisher: Turner Publishing Company
ISBN: 9781684425600
Number of pages: 262
Dimensions: 234 x 190 mm


”Kenden’s book proves that taking a nourishing, plant-based approach to traditional Jewish cooking is not just possible, but delicious and celebratory as well.” –Leah Koenig, author of six cookbooks including Modern Jewish Cooking and The Jewish Cookbook (Phaidon) “Visually stunning and filled with recipes everyone will love, this masterpiece cookbook makes family favorites both healthy and delicious.” –Michelle Cehn, Founder, World of Vegan "Jewish Food Hero blogger Alfond charms in this cheerful guide to vegan Jewish cooking...This vegan twist on Jewish cuisine hits all of the right notes." –Publishers Weekly "Beyond Chopped Liv­er is an excit­ing, con­tem­po­rary addi­tion to Jew­ish cook­ery, and is sure to sat­is­fy those look­ing for lighter, brighter ver­sions of beloved Jew­ish fare." –Jewish Book Council "Beyond Chopped Liver is a beautiful cookbook full of healthy, delicious recipes that everyone can enjoy." – "A wonderful addition for any Jewish household." –Dustin Hausner, Host of Jewish Culture & Jewish Awareness

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