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Bella Broomstick - Bella Broomstick (Paperback)
  • Bella Broomstick - Bella Broomstick (Paperback)

Bella Broomstick - Bella Broomstick (Paperback)

(author), (illustrator)
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Paperback 240 Pages
Published: 07/01/2016
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This delightful new series, full of doodle illustrations and themes

of friendship and fitting in, will have young readers bewitched

from the very first page!

Bella Broomstick is a hopeless witch. So hopeless that nasty Aunt

Hemlock is sending her to live in Person World - with the warning

that she must never do magic again!

But when Bella finds a kitten in trouble, a spell is the only way

to rescue it. What is Bella to do? For where there is magic, trouble

is never far away!

Publisher: Scholastic
ISBN: 9781407157955
Number of pages: 240
Weight: 150 g
Dimensions: 197 x 129 x 14 mm

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“I loved these books”

so im still a young reader but these books are really what got me into reading. i was 8 and this is what made me love reading, i owe the way my life turned out to these books so 10/10 would recommend to ANY young... More

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