‘This is a quite simply a marvellous book. I couldn’t find a trace of po-faced sanctimony nor yet the patronising tones of an expert attempting to speak to mortals. The conversational style – the beguiling marriage between accessible science and conspiratorial whispers which make it OK not to know everything – is really uplifting ... may everyone get the rush of pleasure from it that I have done.’ Sir Tim Smit, co-founder of the Eden Project
'As someone who is passionate about nature and a proud eco nerd, I love this book and you will too!' Ellie Goulding, singer-songwriter and UN Environment Ambassador
How much do you know about the state of our planet and the journey we’re on to reach a more sustainable future? Journalist and broadcaster Lucy Siegle tackles ten big topics involved in our quest to reach net zero and, through stories and revealing questions, probes your understanding of what we can all do to get there.
Divided into ten important topics, and including revealing questions on recycling and reusing, the importance of flora and fauna and planet-friendly food, find out how much you really know about how our consumer habits and lifestyles are affecting the environment, and the positive changes we can make now to ensure we're all true friends of the earth. Packed full of stories and tips that show the people, the projects and the places that are already living as if this planet was precious, this is an essential handbook for anyone looking to improve their understanding of how we can all have a positive impact on Planet Earth.
Publisher: Michael O'Mara Books Ltd
ISBN: 9781789293937
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 290 g
Dimensions: 234 x 153 x 17 mm
As someone who is passionate about nature and a proud eco nerd, I love this book and you will too! There’s no great mystery to protecting our planet – we have the knowledge and we have the solutions for a better future. This book makes it accessible to everyone. - Ellie Goulding, singer-songwriter and UN Environment Ambassador
If anyone can challenge you to be more planet positive and take a journey of learning through our wonderful wild world, it’s Lucy. A brilliant eco-communicator with a unique talent to challenge us all to think and act more in the interests of the planet. Dive in and test your nature IQ! - Hugo Tagholm, Surfers Against Sewage
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