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Basics Entwurf - Basics (Paperback)
  • Basics Entwurf - Basics (Paperback)

Basics Entwurf - Basics (Paperback)

Paperback 328 Pages
Published: 26/02/2013
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From idea to materiality: The basics of architectural design

The fundamental idea is the starting point of every design. The idea is formulated into the concept; the concept is expressed in the formal language; the form requires a particular material; the space is given shape. Architecture is created.
Described in this manner, the design process seems simple and straightforward. But for students of architecture, it is in most cases a difficult learning process. But designing can be learned!
What are the conceptual possibilities for finding the first step towards a design idea? What methods can be used to develop the idea and to arrive at an architectural concept? Furthermore, architecture is first and foremost the designing of (indoor) spaces. But how are rooms structured, rather than merely decorated? What role does the use of materials and materiality play?
This compilation of the volumes Design Ideas, Design Methods, Materials and Spatial Design in the successful student series BASICS now gathers the fundamental topics of architectural design together in one book and thus in one context answers crucial questions concerning the hows and whys of the design process.

Publisher: Birkhauser
ISBN: 9783038215585
Number of pages: 328
Weight: 684 g
Dimensions: 220 x 155 mm

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