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Astonishing Adventures Assembled!: A Mutant & Masterminds Scenario Book (Paperback)
  • Astonishing Adventures Assembled!: A Mutant & Masterminds Scenario Book (Paperback)

Astonishing Adventures Assembled!: A Mutant & Masterminds Scenario Book (Paperback)

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Paperback 160 Pages
Published: 29/08/2023
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Astonishing Adventures Assembled! presents seven complete scenarios for the Mutants & Masterminds RPG. In these adventures you can face the icy villains of the Cold Front, tangle with robot dinosaurs, bring order to a city where super pets run amok, escape the whims of a cosmic trickster, and more! Astonishing Adventures Assembled! also includes info on fleshing out your world with locations, relationships, and NPCs that can act as contacts, love interests, or rivals. Each adventure stands alone but there’s also advice on connecting them into a campaign and adjusting them for unusual groups or different Power Levels. Grab a scenario and you’re ready to go with Astonishing Adventures Assembled!

Publisher: Green Ronin Publishing
ISBN: 9781949160871
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 295 g
Dimensions: 254 x 178 mm

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