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Applied Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation (Hardback)
  • Applied Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation (Hardback)

Applied Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation (Hardback)

(author), (author), (author)
Hardback 1104 Pages
Published: 23/10/2012
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Today, through the sophistication of statistical software packages such as SPSS, virtually all graduate students across the social and behavioral sciences are exposed to the complex multivariate statistical techniques such as correlation and multiple regression, exploratory factor analysis, MANOVA, path analysis and structural equation modeling. This book is designed to provide full coverage of the wide range of multivariate topics in a conceptual, non-mathematical, approach. It is geared toward the needs, level of sophistication, and interest in multivariate methodology of students in applied programs in the social and behavioral sciencesathat need to focus on design and interpretation rather than the intricacies of specific computations.

Publisher: SAGE Publications Inc
ISBN: 9781412988117
Number of pages: 1104
Weight: 1930 g
Dimensions: 231 x 187 x 56 mm
Edition: 2nd Revised edition

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