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Apoptosis: Physiology and Pathology (Hardback)
  • Apoptosis: Physiology and Pathology (Hardback)

Apoptosis: Physiology and Pathology (Hardback)

(editor), (author)
Hardback 438 Pages
Published: 22/08/2011
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Apoptosis, or cell death, can be pathological, a sign of disease and damage, or physiological, a process essential for normal health. This book, with contributions from experts in the field, provides a timely compilation of reviews of mechanisms of apoptosis. The book is organized into three convenient sections. The first section explores the different processes of cell death and how they relate to one another. The second section focuses on organ-specific apoptosis-related diseases. The third section explores cell death in non-mammalian organisms, such as plants. This comprehensive text is a must-read for all researchers and scholars interested in apoptosis.

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521886567
Number of pages: 438
Weight: 1320 g
Dimensions: 286 x 222 x 30 mm

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