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An Anthropology of Biomedicine (Paperback)
  • An Anthropology of Biomedicine (Paperback)

An Anthropology of Biomedicine (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 518 Pages
Published: 09/04/2010

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An Anthropology of Biomedicine is an exciting new introduction to biomedicine and its global implications. Focusing on the ways in which the application of biomedical technologies bring about radical changes to societies at large, cultural anthropologist Margaret Lock and her co-author physician and medical anthropologist Vinh-Kim Nguyen develop and integrate the thesis that the human body in health and illness is the elusive product of nature and culture that refuses to be pinned down. Introduces biomedicine from an anthropological perspective, exploring the entanglement of material bodies with history, environment, culture, and politicsDevelops and integrates an original theory: that the human body in health and illness is not an ontological given but a moveable, malleable entityMakes extensive use of historical and contemporary ethnographic materials around the globe to illustrate the importance of this methodological approachIntegrates key new research data with more classical material, covering the management of epidemics, famines, fertility and birth, by military doctors from colonial times onUses numerous case studies to illustrate concepts such as the global commodification of human bodies and body parts, modern forms of population, and the extension of biomedical technologies into domestic and intimate domainsWinner of the 2010 Prose Award for Archaeology and Anthropology

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
ISBN: 9781405110716
Number of pages: 518
Weight: 890 g
Dimensions: 245 x 168 x 26 mm

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