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American Hippo: River of Teeth, Taste of Marrow, and New Stories (Paperback)
  • American Hippo: River of Teeth, Taste of Marrow, and New Stories (Paperback)

American Hippo: River of Teeth, Taste of Marrow, and New Stories (Paperback)

Paperback 304 Pages
Published: 01/06/2018
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In 2017 Sarah Gailey made her debut with River of Teeth and Taste of Marrow, two action-packed novellas that introduced readers to an alternate America in which hippos rule the colossal swamp that was once the Mississippi River. Now readers have the chance to own both novellas in a single, beautiful volume.

Years ago, in an America that never was, the United States government introduced herds of hippos to the marshlands of Louisiana to be bred and slaughtered as an alternative meat source. This plan failed to take into account some key facts about hippos: they are savage, they are fast, and their jaws can snap a man in two.

By the 1890s, the vast bayou that was once America's greatest waterway belongs to feral hippos, and Winslow Houndstooth has been contracted to take it back. To do so, he will gather a crew of the damnedest cons, outlaws, and assassins to ever ride a hippo. American Hippo is the story of their fortunes, their failures, and his revenge.

Publisher: St Martin's Press
ISBN: 9781250176431
Number of pages: 304
Weight: 252 g
Dimensions: 209 x 136 x 21 mm

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