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Agile Testing:  A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams - Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Cohn) (Paperback)
  • Agile Testing:  A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams - Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Cohn) (Paperback)

Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams - Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Cohn) (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 576 Pages
Published: 22/01/2009
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TeTwo of the industry’s most experienced agile testing practitioners and consultants, Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory, have teamed up to bring you the definitive answers to these questions and many others. In Agile Testing, Crispin and Gregory define agile testing and illustrate the tester’s role with examples from real agile teams. They teach you how to use the agile testing quadrants to identify what testing is needed, who should do it, and what tools might help. The book chronicles an agile software development iteration from the viewpoint of a tester and explains the seven key success factors
of agile testing.

Readers will come away from this book understanding

  • How to get testers engaged in agile development
  • Where testers and QA managers fit on an agile team
  • What to look for when hiring an agile tester
  • How to transition from a traditional cycle to agile development
  • How to complete testing activities in short iterations
  • How to use tests to successfully guide development
  • How to overcome barriers to test automation

This book is a must for agile testers, agile teams, their managers, and their customers.


The eBook edition of Agile Testing also is available as part of a two-eBook collection, The Agile Testing Collection (9780134190624).

Publisher: Pearson Education (US)
ISBN: 9780321534460
Number of pages: 576
Weight: 953 g
Dimensions: 234 x 175 x 30 mm


“As Agile methods have entered the mainstream, we’ve learned a lot about how the testing discipline fits into Agile projects. Lisa and Janet give us a solid look at what to do, and what to avoid, in Agile testing.” –Ron Jeffries, “An excellent introduction to agile and how it affects the software test community!” –Gerard Meszaros, Agile Practice Lead and Chief Test Strategist at Solution Frameworks, Inc., an agile coaching and lean software development consultancy “In sports and music, people know the importance of practicing technique until it becomes a part of the way they do things. This book is about some of the most fundamental techniques in software development–how to build quality into code–techniques that should become second nature to every development team. The book provides both broad and in-depth coverage of how to move testing to the front of the development process, along with a liberal sprinkling of real-life examples that bring the book to life.” –Mary Poppendieck, Author of Lean Software Development and Implementing Lean Software Development “Refreshingly pragmatic. Chock-full of wisdom. Absent of dogma. This book is a gamechanger. Every software professional should read it.” –Uncle Bob Martin, Object Mentor, Inc. “With Agile Testing, Lisa and Janet have used their holistic sensibility of testing to describe a culture shift for testers and teams willing to elevate their test effectiveness. The combination of real-life project experiences and specific techniques provide an excellent way to learn and adapt to continually changing project needs.” –Adam Geras, M.Sc. Developer-Tester, Ideaca Knowledge Services “On Agile projects, everyone seems to ask, ‘But, what about testing?’ Is it the development team’s responsibility entirely, the testing team, or a collaborative effort between developers and testers? Or, ‘How much testing should we automate?’ Lisa and Janet have written a book that finally answers these types of questions and more! Whether you’re a tester, developer, or manager, you’ll learn many great examples and stories from the real-world work experiences they’ve shared in this excellent book.” –Paul Duvall, CTO of Stelligent and co-author of Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk “Finally a book for testers on Agile teams that acknowledges there is not just one right way! Agile Testing provides comprehensive coverage of the issues testers face when they move to Agile: from tools and metrics to roles and process. Illustrated with numerous stories and examples from many contributors, it gives a clear picture of what successful Agile testers are doing today.” –Bret Pettichord, Chief Technical Officer of WatirCraft and Lead Developer of Watir

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