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Abandon - The Abandon Trilogy (Paperback)
  • Abandon - The Abandon Trilogy (Paperback)

Abandon - The Abandon Trilogy (Paperback)

Paperback 304 Pages
Published: 26/04/2012
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Last year, Pierce died - just for a moment. And when she was in the space between life and death, she met John. Tall dark and terrifying, it's his job to usher souls from one realm to the next.

There's a fierce attraction between them, which Pierce carries back into our world. But she knows that if she allows herself to fall for John she will be doomed to a life of shadows and loneliness in the Underworld. When things get dangerous for her, her only hope is to do exactly what John says. Can she trust a guy who lives for the dead?

Inspired by Greek myth, Abandon is the first in a darkly romantic trilogy from Meg Cabot, creator of The Princess Diaries.

Publisher: Pan Macmillan
ISBN: 9780330453868
Number of pages: 304
Weight: 216 g
Dimensions: 198 x 129 x 18 mm
Edition: Unabridged edition

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“heart-stopping quality”

I have been waiting for a very long time for this book and WOW! Even I didn´t think it was going to be as brilliantly amazing as it is. This book mada me hold my breath without realising until the end of almost every... More

Paperback edition
Helpful? Upvote 52


brilliant book hard to get into at start but as you keep reading its worth the buy x

Paperback edition
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If you read this book my guess is that your first impression of Pierce is that she’s a bit crazy. Well, she’s not. You see she died, but only for a moment. During that moment between life and death, she paid the... More

Paperback edition
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